Poly Politics is a multifaceted project that looks at the university through unconventional data. My hope is that this information will provide a better perspective of what Cal Poly, SLO looks like by looking at Cal Poly from a different angle. Even though some of this data dives into the realm of what many consider to be 'taboo' topics, I hope this information will generate a lively and civil campus discussion. Maybe it will bring those affiliated with Cal Poly as students, faculty, or administration to pause and think about what the numbers present--especially what they may present when analyzed longitudinally. Let the numbers speak for themselves! -- Nate Honeycutt
The two elements currently featured look into the partisan split of the university & the salary split of the university. Read the element overviews below. Also, be sure to participate in the discussion on the blog, Facebook, & Twitter!
Partisan Split
This element of Poly Politics reports current political affiliation data on California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo faculty, administrators, and others that have a direct impact on the every-day operation and function of the university.
Salary Split
This element of Poly Politics looks at the split of salaries at the university--how much money is going where, and in the grand scheme of things does the flow seem practical and make sense. Also shown are comparisons of the average salaries from each area of the university.
- No participants were solicited in the acquisition of any data on this site. All data on this site originates from publicly available research data gathered from the County Elections office, University Archives, and other similar sources.
- Can't Distinguish = cannot determine political party registration with 100% due to having a common name (e.g. Michael Miller, Heather Smith, etcetera)
- Democrat = Registered for the Democratic Party
- Green = Registered for the Green Party
- Libertarian = Registered for the Libertarian Party
- No Party Affiliation = Registered, but for no political party (aka no party preference)
- Not Registered = not registered to vote in Sal Luis Obispo County (may live outside of county, have recently moved here, or not be an American Citizen)
- Other = Registered for the California Pirate Party, American Independent Party, Peace and Freedom Party, or "Miscellaneous"
- Republican = Registered for the Republican Party
Read more and participate in the discussion on the Blog page.
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